Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 2019: Fox News Ladies caps/pictures/photos.

The Outnumbered Fox News BLOG is on the right.

What can you say about this yellow dress of Britt Mchenry? It's like a Kimono to me, but she still looks great. Just put your comments below.

Britt Mchenry caps/pictures/photos @ Fox "The Final Five", caps sent by "DJ".

Jillian Mele and Ainsley Earhardt caps/pictures/photos @ Fox and Friends, caps sent by "DJ".

Ainsley Earhardt caps/pictures/photos @ Fox and Friends, caps sent by "DJ".

Lisa Kennedy and Britt McHenry caps/pictures/photos @ "Kennedy", caps sent by "Ranger".

Lisa Kennedy and Britt McHenry caps/pictures/photos @ "Kennedy", caps sent by "Ranger".

Ainsley Earhardt and Jillian Mele caps/pictures/photos @ Fox and Friends, caps sent by "Ranger".

Cheryl Casone, Tracee Carrasco and Lauren Simonetti @ Fox Business News, caps sent by "Ranger".

Classic Andrea Tantaros, Lisa Kennedy & Sandra Smith @ Outnumbered, caps sent by "DJ".

Anna Kooiman in swimsuit caps/photos/pictures sent by "DJ".

Reposting Gretchen Carlson's caps on her last days on Fox and Friends, sent by "DJ".

Enjoy the caps as always.

Just post your comments about your favorite caps/pictures/photos and news reporters.

Visit the blog archive for more caps.

For Megyn Kelly's best caps

Reporter101 Blogspot: Second Week of Dec. 2011: Megyn Kelly and other Fox News caps.#links

For Gretchen Carlson's best caps

Reporter101 Blogspot: Fox News caps with Gretchen, Patti Ann and Alisyn.

For Tamsen Fadal best caps and PIX caps

Reporter101 Blogspot: This Week of June: Tamsen Fadal, Molly Line, Ainsley Earhardt and Gretchen Carlson.

For British Morning Show "Daybreak".

Reporter101 Blogspot: British Morning Show and Fox and News caps.

For Other Fox News Ladies caps and pictures visit

Reporter101 Blogspot: Other Fox News Ladies caps/photos/pictures.

For Gretchen Carlson's best caps/pictures visit

Reporter101 Blogspot: Gretchen Carlson 2nd week of March 2010.

For Julie Banderas in swimsuit caps and pictures visit

For Weather Channel Ladies caps and pictures visit